Hey there! I’m Mollie, the founder of Second House Creative.


I started Second House Creative to help small business owners and entrepreneurs build their brands with thoughtful design and engaging content strategies for social media.

I’ve had the opportunity to work in marketing with many small businesses over the years. There’s one thing I started noticing about a lot of them – their branding needed help.

a lack of branding pieces beyond a single logo

zero social media strategy & posting in the moment

I am a graphic designer at heart with an obsession for social media marketing. I understand the importance that both of these play in an overall business plan, yet both often get pushed to the side because there isn’t an expert on the team. Branding and social media are crucial to building a memorable brand.


Branding and Social Media are the areas of your business that can set you apart in your industry.

Branding is more than just a logo.

Social Media is more than just sharing your current special offer.

To sum it all up, I make you look good.

I work with you to define your brand messaging and build a strategy that compliments what you do best so more people know about your business and what you offer.
Whether you’re looking for a beautifully designed brand or a killer social media strategy that builds your online community, I’m your hype gal. I’m cheering you on as we work together to put you ahead of your competition.

Remember that more and more consumers are turning to social media before Google to search for what they need and to see what a business is all about.
If someone came across your Instagram or Facebook right now, would your brand be clear? Are you posting consistently? Are you proud of your content? Do you have design elements in place that show off your business or are you still DIYing your marketing?

Let’s get creative and build your brand. When you’re ready, you know where to find me!