Content Planning

May Holidays for Social Media Content Planning

If you dread content planning, try adding in more fun! Make your social media SOCIAL by incorporating content that your audience will want to read, listen to, and engage with.

Batching content from start to finish can seem daunting at first. That’s why I like to start small.

Take a look at the month ahead and fill in any holidays that tie to your brand and also important dates related to your business. Are you launching something new? Do you have something planned that you need to take into account?

When it comes to holidays, only create content around the ones that tie to your brand. Get creative with social media holidays because they are often trending the day of, which could lead to more exposure.

You don’t need to necessarily call out the holiday in your post every time, But the holiday itself may spark a creative idea for content. See my example for Paperclip Day on May 29 below.

🌼May Holidays + Prompts🌼

May 4: Star Wars Day
Who: artists, illustrators, anyone who loves Star Wars, anyone who loves memes
Prompt: This is a perfect time for a themed quote design or meme! Find trending hashtags to use like #maythefourth. Create a shareable graphic.

(What’s a shareable graphic? Something that will make your viewer feel the need to share it to their IG story for all of their followers to see!)

May 4: Thank a Teacher Day
Who: anyone
Prompt: Share a teachable moment by telling a life lesson that your favorite teacher taught you. Relate it back to your current mindset and/or business somehow. Pair with a graphic you create or a photo of yourself.

May 5: Cinco de Mayo
Who: foodies/food bloggers, influencers, illustrators, taco and margarita lovers 😉
Prompt: Share a cooking tip or favorite recipe. Spotlight a local restaurant. Design a shareable graphic with a quote or illustration.

May 6: National Nurses Day
Who: nurses
Prompt: If you’re a nurse in addition to your freelancing career or side hustle, celebrate yourself! Share a storytelling moment that your followers will relate or connect with.

May 7: World Password Day
Who: tech savvy business owners, organization focused business coaches
Prompt: Share your best tips for storing passwords safely. How often should we change them? Do you recommend saving to your computer or only on paper? How safe is our personal info online? How do you track important business info like this? How to handle your client’s passwords? Create a graphic or share a home office photo.

May 9: Europe Day
Who: travel industry, bloggers, influencers
Prompt: Share highlights from a European trip. Share your best tips for someone planning a trip.

May 9: Mother’s Day
Who: anyone
Prompt: Share a teachable moment from a mother figure in your life. Pair with a photo or graphic you create.

May 15: International Day of Families
Who: Anyone
Prompt: Share a relatable story that ties to your family.

May 16: Love a Tree Day
Who: plant enthusiasts, artists, illustrators, health & wellness
Prompt: Open this up to anything regarding nature and how it inspires you. Share nature related tips, facts, or a quote.

May 21: National Memo Day
Who: anyone
Prompt: Create a “note to self” graphic or write a caption that reflects that and pair it with a photo.

May 21: National Bike to Work Day
Who: lifestyle bloggers, health & wellness, outdoor enthusiasts
Prompt: Share a photo or reel of you on your bike and pair it with a catchy caption. Make your photo/video colorful! Bonus points if you have a super cute bike.

May 28: National Hamburger Day
Who: foodies/food bloggers, local influencers
Prompt: Share your go-to hamburger to make at home or shout out a local restaurant that you support.

May 29: Paperclip Day
Who: anyone
Prompt: Share your office set up and top tips for working from home. Make a time lapse of you working and then overlay your tips using IG stories, InShot, or the Reels editor. Share to Reels.

May 31: Memorial Day
Who: anyone
Prompt: The unofficial start of summer. Share your big summer goals for your business and pair this with a colorful selfie outdoors or create a graphic.

If you see a holiday you want to create content for, but I didn’t list your industry, that doesn’t mean you can’t do it :) These are just suggestions for you to get thinking like a creative! Remember to share content that relates, connects, inspires, or entertains.

Interested in more prompts? Click here to get my free guide of 30 content prompts for small businesses!

would you love to have content prompts delivered to you every month? click here for monthly content planning services!


April Holidays: How to use holidays in your social media content

Official and unofficial holidays are a simple way to fill gaps in your content calendar and they typically get good engagement when done well. If a holiday is coming up and it aligns with your brand or business in some way, consider adding that to your content.

You don’t need to plan the post ahead of time in its entirety, but having a general idea of what you’re going to post means you aren’t scrambling last minute the day of.

Below you’ll see is a list of April holidays for you to start brainstorming your own content. Some are real holidays and others are unofficial. It’s perfectly fine to never use the unofficial ones at all, but if one stands out to you and you can think of something creative to tie to your business, try it out and see how it performs.

Tips for posting on Holidays

What NOT to post on holidays:
• Random graphic or image you took from Google

What to post on holidays:
• Photo of yourself, your team, your family
• Graphic or illustration that you created
• Reel or TikTok that relates to the holiday
• Share a story about what the holiday means to you

Things to remember:
• Only use these holidays within your social media schedule IF it aligns with your brand!
• Add relevant hashtags to your post for more exposure.
• For national holidays, you’ll start seeing social media posts on the days leading up to the holiday, sometimes even weeks! (Like Christmas and New Years). Think about this when you’re planning your month.

April Holidays & Prompts

Use these holidays and prompts to fill your content calendar when needed. I listed the best industries/businesses for each holiday and included a prompt. There are endless prompts you can do! Share what makes the most sense for you and your brand.

April 1: April Fools Day
Prompt: Share 4 truths and a lie about yourself. Pair this with a photo of yourself.

April 2: International Children’s Book Day
moms, influencers
Prompt: Share a relatable story or moment about being a mom. Share a creative photo with you reading with your kids.

April 2: National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day
foodies, recipe bloggers
Prompt: Share your version of a pb&j.

April 3: National Handmade Day
Who: makers, crafters, shop owners
Prompt: Showcase some of your favorite products that you make. Make a Reel or TikTok of the process.

April 4: Easter
Who: anyone
Prompt: Keep this one simple and share a few photos. Your family, a walk you took in the morning, your spring decor, a meal you made, etc. If you’re a designer or illustrator, you could create a graphic.

April 7: National Beer Day
Who: restaurants, foodies, influencers
Prompt: Feature a beer or do a local beer roundup.

April 7: World Health Day
Who: health & wellness, fitness
Prompt: Make a Reel or TikTok of a healthy recipe or a favorite exercise

April 7: National Walking Day
Who: health & wellness, fitness, influencers
Prompt: Share your 3 favorite places to walk to. Take a 5 second clip of each walk and turn it into a 15 second Reel or TikTok.

April 11: National Pet Day
Who: anyone with a pet or business related to animals
Prompt: Make a funny and relatable post about working from home and pair it with a Reel/TikTok or a photo of your workspace with your pet in it.

April 12: National Grilled Cheese Day
Who: foodies, recipe bloggers
Prompt: Share your best grilled cheese recipe.

April 14: National Gardening Day
Who: anyone who gardens, plant/landscaping industry
Prompt: Share a photo or a Reel/TikTok of your garden and how you’re prepping for spring.

April 15: World Art Day
Who: artists, designers
Prompt: Share about an artist or a type of art that inspires you.

April 16: World Voice Day
Who: speakers, singers, coaches
Prompts: Share about the importance of using your voice to impact, inspire, or help others.

April 18: International Day for Monuments and Sites
Who: travel industry, influencers
Prompts: Share your top 5 places to visit.

April 18: National Haiku Poetry
Who: designers, letterers, illustrators, writers
Prompts: Find (or write) a haiku and create a graphic to share.

April 22: Earth Day
Who: anyone
Prompt: Take a photo outside. Make a Reel or TikTok. Design a graphic. How can you tie something about Earth Day to your brand? Make it entertaining or educational.

April 23: World Book Day
Who: anyone
Prompt: Share your favorite mindset, life, or industry related books.

April 29: International Dance Day
Who: anyone
Prompt: Have you been wanting to make a dancing Reel or TikTok? Pick a trend and make one! If your video has humor, add value in the caption or with text bubbles.

April Holidays-Social Media.jpg

30 Engaging Content Prompts for Social Media

Do you feel like your content on Instagram is falling flat?

Like you’re putting in a ton of work on every post, but your engagement rates aren’t where you want them to be?

Before you go blaming the algorithm, take a look at your overall content.

Are you posting just to post? No plan, no organization, no real thought behind the content you’re sharing?

I created a guide with 30 engaging content prompts to help you shift your mindset when it comes to your content. These prompts will help you dig deeper into your area of expertise to come up with ways to share value with your audience.

When you consistently share value through content that connects, educates, and builds trust, you will start to see a change in your engagement rates.

Get unstuck and start:
• relating and connecting
• educating as the expert
• sharing value

The prompts were written with service providers in mind, but they can be tweaked to fit just about any small business or personal brand.

If you’re looking for 1-on-1 guidance for your content strategy, check out my Content Clarity Call here.
